Friday, November 10, 2006


Too many of you have been complaining about the slow news week. Has it been slow? NO WAY. Just to recap for the whiners:

* I turned down an offer to become Secretary of War to run United Artists. I believe in showing the American Way of Life through film and not with a silly war in Iran.

* I'm working on a list of castles in which to hold my wedding. I'd like a warm, comfy castle, and am finding many Italian castles to be a bit drafty.

* I finally found a good steak. You know how hard it is to find one at a reasonable price.

There was a little bit of stink about getting enough TV airtime this week, I know. Without my say-so, most networks were running a series of infomercials for a product called "elections." But I've worked that out with the Hollywood Liberals, and have been assured that more important news will now be a priority.