Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Juice smoothies

So I know you are all tired from standing in line until midnight so you could get a DVD copy of my "War of the Worlds," which was released today. Thank you for being here, as expected. To those of you who were injured in the frenzy and didn't get a copy, call my pub and she'll send you out a coupon or something. Some things I'd like you to note about the DVD, however: I told Steven Spielberg NOT to include spanish and french subtitles, so don't blame me for that. I fought vigorously against them. Also, I asked that the two-disc collectors edition include some nudie shots of me, but that was also deemed a no go. So beware if you shell out the $40 for that piece of crap, it's not worth it. And lastly, my co-star Dakota Fanning was really, REALLY hot for me. But she just doesn't have that youthful glow that my Katie does. Sorry, babe. But points to you for trying.


Hi No Fan, contact my publicist and she'll tell you whom it is you're supposed to contact. Please try not to bother me with too many questions. I know it's hard.
