Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Holiday

Hello, and "happy holidays" to all of you people. I'm sorry I'm so late to address the following, but sometimes I tend to give more credit than what is due. It's the curse of being a nice guy. It's how I personally was raised. Now, on to my concern. I've received several "holiday" and "christmas" cards from some of you well-meaning (I surmise) people. But, if I've said it once I've said it a million times: THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR THE HOLIDAYS OR THIS SO-CALLED CHRISTMAS. I know you don't know L. Ron like I do, but surely you could have figured this out on your own. These holidays are just a psycho-drama perpetuated by retailers, telephone companies and the media, except for feature-length film companies. So forgive the hell out of me, if I don't answer these greetings. If you MUST send something, please make it a check to the Katie Holmes Vomitorium, which furthers the cause of resolving stomach upset stemming from I don't know what. Have a nice end of December.